Monday, May 31, 2010

MOVIE REVIEWS - Sex and The City 2 (2010)

Sex and The City 2 - Carrie On
Cast : Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall

Yes, the girls are back but this time they're married and with kids. Well Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) got married to her Mr Big, but not intending to have kids in the near future. Charlotte and Miranda are married with kids, Charlotte adopted hers. As for Samantha, still single and mingling but obsessed with vitamins and "miracle" creams.

This time the girls go on a trip to Adu Dhabi to experience the "modern" Arab living, only to find that it is not as modern as they thought it would be, especially for Samantha. Their trip would be just fine if not for Samantha's "easy" going behaviour which causes the hilarious escapades that the girls have to go through while they are in Abu Dhabi.

Being a "I'm a woman, hear me roar!" show that it is, other than the issues of sex...issues of the modern woman, a woman who speaks their mind, married life, raising children and living it large during menopausal age are thrown into the mix to make Sex and the City 2 more heartwarming and close to most women's hearts. Also not forgetting, the glamorous locations, fabulous clothes, shoes, hats, jewellery that adorn the girls, which makes us wish to be just like them.

All in all, even if you have never watched Sex and The City before, ladies, Sex and The City 2 will get you hooked to watching it. The guys can enjoy this too, especially bits like, the bra-less nanny, the gay wedding and Samantha doing her thing with different men... (- -")

Review : 8/10
Comment : Even though it is not a blockbuster movie, do watch it. Ladies, learn the latest fashion trends from these girls, plus, you will feel refresh after looking at those shoes and clothes. Guys, take notes! There are several tips in there for you to understand your ladies better.

MOVIE REVIEWS - Prince of Persia, The Sands Of Time (2010)

As mentioned, I will start of my 2010 blogging with reviews of movies watched in year 2010. I will kick off with the movies that I've recently watched and is now playing in Singapore cinemas.

Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time
Cast : Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley. Gemma Arterton

I think Prince of Persia is better off as a game. Even though I have never played the game before but I think we should just let games be games. No doubt Jerry Bruckheimer's action and fighting sequences are cool to look at but I find that something is missing in this movie. The whole show is basically about the dagger that has sand in it, that when a person "push" the button on top of the dagger's handle, that person is able to turn back time. But if there are no sand in the dagger's handle, then basically you can't do it. Like some devices which are battery operated, this dagger is...sand operated..but you'll need special sand. Normal sand won't work. (- -")

So throughout the whole movie you will see the dagger, falling into the either the wrong hands or switched between Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Tamina (Gemma Arterton) through games of trickery. Sometimes I wondered, with all that passing around, I'm suprised that the dagger did not fall and its glass handle break into pieces and thus ending the "a bit draggy" movie. Also, whenever Dastan tries to convince his brothers of the truth as to try to keep them safe from the enemy, they will eventually believe him but still dies in the next scene. But alas, as this story is about turning back time...after the whole long labourous process of seeing Dastan trying to save his father (and failed), his brothers (and failed), the heroine (and failed)... almost to the end of the show, while fighting with the evil guy, Nizam (Ben Kingsley), he decides to press the button on the handle and rewinds back to the begining when Halamut was first invaded by him and his brothers and the dagger was first found by him. And with the knowledge that he acquired of Nizam and his evil plans, he confronts him and thus, saves everyone who died in the first 100 mins of the movie, from dying.

And with all Disney movie, in the end the hero receives the respect of his brothers, wins the heart of his people, gets to marry the heroine and lives happily ever after.

Review : 6/10
Comment : Watch it only if you like to watch Jake Gyllenhaal in an action flick (different from his usual softie roles like in Brokeback Mountain and Day After Tomorrow) and of course for Jerry Bruckheimer's action sequences.

A year has passed...

So if you noticed, a year has passed since my last blog. I think I can't be a regular blogger like some people do so naturally everyday. I mean, I can't force myself to sit in front of the computer and type out every single day what thoughts I have in my head. I rather play them in my head than typing it down because at least when they're in my head, I don't have to bother about grammar or spelling mistakes...

Then suddenly a thought struck me...Maybe I can blog about something I do regularly, like maybe dining, watching movies, listening to songs, removing my bowels. I mean, provide useful "intel" on these interesting things that I do regularly.

So for the year 2010...I would like to dedicate my blogging to the world of movies. Ps: I'm a movie buff. I go to the movies every weekend. I am a major contributor to the film makers, actors and actresses.Their salary depends on me. (- -")

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Blog Block!

Morning b-l-o-g,

It's been some time since I blog. I think I may be suffering from blog block. I seriously do not know what to write about. I actually intend to use this blog as just a way of expressing myself but then I don't think a blog is a place I should reveal too much of myself. Even if I didn't give the link of my blog to anyone, I still have this nagging feeling that there are "kepo" people out there who just has the habit of visiting everyone's blog.

I mean, its not wrong for them to peek at people's blog. After all, a blog is not meant to be private. If it is, then it's not a blog, it will be a diary that has a lock and key. So as I'm sitting here typing these lines, I can't help but wonder...what kind of info do I need to put in my blog to turn my blog peekers to blog readers...and eventually blog fans.

So, I've made a list of ideas to turn my blog visitors into my blog fans..

  1. Automatically entered into a lucky draw after they read my blog. Example, after reading my latest blog and leaving a comment. The lucky winner will automatically get an email stating they have won "one million dollars" (in small prints at the bottom, "to be collected from Lehman brothers")

  2. Regulars will get an exciting "1 for 1" promo. Example, 1 for 1 99ct toothbrush, 1 for 1 underwear (free size) , 1 for 1 slippers (1 left and 1 right). Promos will vary depending on budget...

  3. Every once in a while, I will blog nice things about my blog visitors. Like how beautifully they write their comments or how their spelling are superb. If they attached a picture to their profile then all the better, so I can say "You have a gorgeous set of dentures..where did you get them from?" or "Your toupe looks good that no one notices that it's a toupe.."

  4. Whatever my blog readers comment on me doing I will sincerely do it, no matter how difficult. For example, if one of my blog readers comment "Idiot, shut down this blog!", I will gladly hunt this person called "Idiot" and ask him why he wants to shut down this blog and then I will personally thank my blog reader who gave me info that Idiot is going to somehow jeapordise my blog.

  5. Offer free money. 50 cents per comment. This always works..!

Well...I may not get blog fans with the above ideas but I sure get a kick out of it if anyone even reads and believes the list above... so anyone?? (.o.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder...

Dear B-l-o-g,

As I was coming home today a thought came into my head. What is beauty? What is the price to attain beauty? (left: is this beauty?)

I saw this girl at the mrt today. She is not what guys would call a beauty. In fact, she would be what most crude guys when they're gossiping among their guy friends, would call, a "whale". She doesn't have a pretty face and neither does she have the body to die for. I wonder...hmmm..does she think of becoming beautiful and desirable one day...or to have guys make second glances at her...I look at her and wonder what she is feeling when guys treat her as just part of the background... Then in my mind I wonder, what if she were to lose weight, put on makeup, style her hair differently or even wear less baggy clothes...she could look pretty...maybe she might be even prettier when combined with her great personality.

Personality...what you're lacking in beauty you make up for it in personality...I always believe this to be true... I have friends whom are not called ravishing beauties but are certainly wonderful in the personality department. They are fun to be with. The day is never dull when they're around..but sometimes, like me, we do wonder how it feels like to captivate guys at first sight. Or to just drop a pen and have guys come over and help as though we've lost our contact lense. Or to get discounts and special privileges at hip places.

But then, what I've come to realise is that, with beauty you have to pay a high price. For one, you can't choose the attention you're getting. It can be from handsome men to old, perverted uncles. There is simply no way to say that you only want attention from certain men because ALL men have eyes and you can't keep them from roving around. Then, when these men craving for your attention just can't seem to get you, they get desperate and start stalking you. Somehow or another they can just appear under your block, in the shopping centre, and might even be in the bra department when you're buying a bra. Those with years of experience in stalking will make it look like their presence is "by coincidence" and that when you ask them,

"Are you following me?"
They will reply,

"No, I just happen to be in the area. I think we must have some special connection as I can somehow feel your lovely presence. This is fate...don't you agree?"

When they sound like that, ladies(oh.. and men too), I suggest you better get a "keep 100m away from me" order from the police.

So, all in all...I guess it's good to be average or cute or nice-looking. If your looks are just normal, it might not neccessarily be boring. In fact, it's such a turn on when underneath that normal exterior lies a fun, sassy and beautiful interior. (and guys, no.. I'm not talking about body parts) (o.o)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's All A Fantasy...

Dear B-l-o-g,

I've just realised that I love to fantasize...Sub-consciously, everytime I see a cute guy on tv, or an upcoming drop-dead gorgeous singer, or even those "prettier than a girl" Taiwanese pop idol I will somehow create a story in my head that they will fall hopelessly head over heels for me at first sight. hhhmmm..(note: f-a-n-t-a-s-y) reality, this will never happen as I am not gorgeous, I am the kind whereby you'll need to know me to hate me.hehe!... but to have these gorgeous, handsome idols fall head over heels in love with me at 1st sight is like hoping for snow in Singapore. I mean seriously, it does feel good to fantasize. And I'm sure many of us do this...I admit it!..I'm a dreamer, be it day or night.

Recently, I caught this drama called "Hana Kimi (Taiwan version)" and I was so taken aback by the beauty of these Taiwan actors. This guy, Wu Chun (see left), he is so guess the word would be "pretty handsome". He, to me, is the ideal "pretty boy". He has, the muscles, the well-toned body, the luscious lips, the puppy dog eyes, the pearly white teeth & even the soft ever perfect hair. How can a guy look this good? I feel attracted as well as jealous at the same time that he could have all this features...why can't I look that good? I need plastic surgery! So, like most girls, I would fantasize that I would have long, flowy hair and have the perfect combination of the drop-dead-gorgeous girl image and dream that somehow I was in Taiwan (or his hometown, Brunei) and we bumped into each other and he fell for me at 1st sight...and bla bla bla.. (the story can be quite long) .. then I will wake up to the reality that, my fantasies for him will just fade after a while.

Here are my top few reasons for a fantasy to fade...

  • You don't really know the person that you're fantasizing about because you never knew him on a personal basis. (If there is no substance, you'll lose interest.)

  • Everything will always be perfect in the fantasy that you'll eventually get bored of your own story line.

  • You and him will always be the main character and there is no one else in the fantasy to provide comic relief.

  • There will be a point whereby you'll fantasize that you married him and then the fantasy stops there because marriage (even in fantasy) seems to put an end to the romance.

  • You start to have a headache as you just can't seem to get the story to continue as your mind always keeps on repeating the best parts of the fantasy.

  • In the fantasy, you can't decide on what type of clothes to wear that you spend most of the time fantasizing on clothes instead.

  • When you wake up and realized that he is gay.

But screaming girls & (I assume guys too) , fans of Taiwan pop idols..(as a disclaimer to the last line of my reasons list), don't worry..I am not saying that these guys are in reality gay or anything . I for one, wouldn't know as I am not a fan. You as the fan decide on whether they are or not but deep down, if you think about well can you say you really know your idols... or even anybody...?

PS: Even though my blog is not a well-known one, but if Mr Wu Ji Zun* or representative, ever chances upon this blog, my advise to him would be,

" not put your wife's name in your tattoo. Your child's name would be better as your child will 4ever b yours.."
(Seriously boys and girls, it's not funny when you have to laser of your partner's name after they leave you...) But try not to have too many kids...soon you'll be running out of space to tattoo their names on your arm, and I don't think your kids will like it if you start tattooing their names on your butt..

(* Dear b-l-o-g, got this info about him from strange that he is in WIKIPEDIA, I wonder how I can get myself in that..?hmmm..I guess I have to be famous 1st then..duh!) (.o.)

Friday, November 14, 2008

So Unaware...

Dear B-l-o-g,

It's safe to say that I've finally figured out how to add in my photo into my profile. Who knew that it was in the "Dashboard" area. (Sidenote: I'm sure millions knew and I'm just the bumbling 1% who needs to go to "Help" to find out.) Well now that we got that settled, let's start the gossip..wahahaha!

This happened yesterday, (was too tired to type this in after all the good food I've stuffed down my throat, but that is another story) So, what happened, you might ask? Well..if you must know..

Me and Zur (a close friend whom I've shared work pains & sufferings with for the past 2 years) went to Thai Xpress Marina square for our once/twice a month guzzling session, when it so happens that there was a service staff who irritatingly keeps on smiling in our direction. It's obvious that he is smiling to Zur which is obvious as men only have eyes for the dark and exotic and tho I might be considered dark, but I'm certainly not exotic..I'm erratic.. Zur seems to know him as she smiled back at him, only to be found out later that she did it out of courtesy. Needless to say, my dark and exotic friend did not even know the guy's name. That is sooo her..!

But this guy, whom I feel is somewhat over-confident that she remembers him, casually walks over to our table and starts a conversation with her. Note, the "her"...there's no us, just her. So here I am, practically invisible while he starts to chat with Zur. I was starting to do a play-by-play in my mind about how I should "put him down" to make him stop talking, when he stopped my plot by attending to another patron. He said, before he go,
"Call me when you're ready to order ok?"
but knowing that he will use the opportunity to chat up Zur, we decided to call for another staff to serve us. With that, I guess he was a bit disappointed that someone else served us as later, while we were busily eating and happily chatting, he came and interrupted us again. I mean irritating can this guy get? So here he is, standing over our table, but thank god, we've almost finished, when he starts to say things like
"Why you order this? You should have ordered something else.."
to which Zur diligently says,
"It says on the menu, by popular demand what, so I choose this then".
Suddenly a small debate on food popped up,
"You should have asked me 1st, this one is not good, I should know better", he confidently said.
In my mind I'm like wondering, if he seems to know better then they should not put "by popular demand" in the menu then. They should put something like, "For the best choice, ask this nameless guy". He not only doesn't stop there, somehow in the conversation, he manages to slip in (as a way of impressing Zur) that he is the manager there by saying,
"Actually I anytime can chow, but my staff not enough."
L A M E ... Then he was saying desperate lines, like,
"Who's your boyfriend now? Brad pitt or what's his name issit?"
Bla bla bla bla bla... (saw his lips moving but the words don't mean a thing..!) So, as not to spoil our mood, we paid our bill, to which he came over again, in all desperation, and said something in the lines of,
"See it's a good thing I'm here, got discount some more,"
of which I saw was only a miserable 20%. Knowing that he was eventually going to be eating dust once we got out from there, he starts by saying,
"So where you going for your dessert? You should eat at Secret Recipe, they have very good desserts. I know, I usually eat their desserts. Plus, I know the staff there."
(Note: Secret Recipe is just opposite Thai Xpress, so its obvious he wants her to stick around...OH GOD NO!)
Zur replied "No lar".
He tries again,
"So then where you going?".
Zur looks at me, I look at her and we sort of just shrug our shoulders, make frowning faces and she says,
"Don't know, we see where lar.."
Clever girl. So as we got up to go, his last attempt was a puny,
"Hey aren't we gonna exchange numbers or something?"
So with Zur in front, practically being pushed by me, unable to respond to his request and my back facing him while blocking his view of her, it can only mean one thing...

"Eat dust LAME boy!

PS: Zur is still clueless about his name. And I guess at that moment, he must be really pissed at me for making him lose his chance of getting close to Zur. Well, I really wished him all the best in his future "endeavours" and frankly, "I don't give a damn!" (.O.)