Sunday, January 4, 2009

Blog Block!

Morning b-l-o-g,

It's been some time since I blog. I think I may be suffering from blog block. I seriously do not know what to write about. I actually intend to use this blog as just a way of expressing myself but then I don't think a blog is a place I should reveal too much of myself. Even if I didn't give the link of my blog to anyone, I still have this nagging feeling that there are "kepo" people out there who just has the habit of visiting everyone's blog.

I mean, its not wrong for them to peek at people's blog. After all, a blog is not meant to be private. If it is, then it's not a blog, it will be a diary that has a lock and key. So as I'm sitting here typing these lines, I can't help but wonder...what kind of info do I need to put in my blog to turn my blog peekers to blog readers...and eventually blog fans.

So, I've made a list of ideas to turn my blog visitors into my blog fans..

  1. Automatically entered into a lucky draw after they read my blog. Example, after reading my latest blog and leaving a comment. The lucky winner will automatically get an email stating they have won "one million dollars" (in small prints at the bottom, "to be collected from Lehman brothers")

  2. Regulars will get an exciting "1 for 1" promo. Example, 1 for 1 99ct toothbrush, 1 for 1 underwear (free size) , 1 for 1 slippers (1 left and 1 right). Promos will vary depending on budget...

  3. Every once in a while, I will blog nice things about my blog visitors. Like how beautifully they write their comments or how their spelling are superb. If they attached a picture to their profile then all the better, so I can say "You have a gorgeous set of dentures..where did you get them from?" or "Your toupe looks good that no one notices that it's a toupe.."

  4. Whatever my blog readers comment on me doing I will sincerely do it, no matter how difficult. For example, if one of my blog readers comment "Idiot, shut down this blog!", I will gladly hunt this person called "Idiot" and ask him why he wants to shut down this blog and then I will personally thank my blog reader who gave me info that Idiot is going to somehow jeapordise my blog.

  5. Offer free money. 50 cents per comment. This always works..!

Well...I may not get blog fans with the above ideas but I sure get a kick out of it if anyone even reads and believes the list above... so anyone?? (.o.)